Monday, April 06, 2009

Creamy Chocolate Easter Eggs in BToS - Wrapup

Sales have been excellent, but Lana and Barbara had to cut off production of those wonderful Creamy Chocolate Easter Eggs for the Savage United Methodist Church fund-raising. After all, Easter is almost upon us. They may still have a few left, so if you're interested call the church:

They produced 677 of the delicious Creamy Chocolate Easter Eggs. Here's the count of each flavor:

Flavors; showing production of each:
49 - Maple Nut (my favorite)
151 - Peanut Butter (my favorite)
37 - Fruit and Nut
98 - Chocolate
102 - Coconut
104 - Butter Cream
76 - Orange Cream
60 - Cherry

As you can see, peanut butter was the favorite flavor, followed by butter cream, coconut and chocolate. My other favorite, maple nut, was far down on the list, but I did get two more of them this morning thanks to Barb's quick action.

Lana and Barbara deserve a lot of credit for taking time from their busy schedules to purchase the supplies and produce and package these Creamy Chocolate Easter Eggs for the Savage United Methodist Church fund-raising.

Thanks to all that purchased them,

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