Monday, May 04, 2009

He Reached Down - Iris DeMent

I grew up two houses down from the Savage Baptist Church on Washington Street here in the BToS. My mom was a dedicated member of the church and I participated in Sunday School and attended many services in deference to her wishes. As many young folks do after graduating and going to work, I got away from church attendance and migrated to other more important stuff, like drag racing on Sundays!

After reviewing these events of 50 years ago, I think the one thing I enjoyed most about going to church was the music. Maybe I enjoyed it so much because I can't sing a lick by myself. I'd sing along and really enjoy it, but I couldn't 'carry a tune in a bucket' then and still can't today. Maybe that's why singing as a member of the congregation was so enjoyable.

I'm a 'late in life' fan of bluegrass, I really enjoy 'stained glass bluegrass' and other performances of gospel music, which I normally listen to on WAMU-2 HD radio.

As you can probably tell from previous posts in the past month, I've discovered Iris DeMent's music. I find her songs very refreshing and her personal and gospel songs just seem to touch me in a way that few other singers can. Her simple performances of these songs and her voice definitely strike me in a positive way. In many cases I can relate personally to her stories. I just find her music very uplifting.

Here's a fine example if you'd like to give a listen and watch her performance. Enjoy,

PS - Supposed to be a sunny weekend. Do good stuff; have some fun!


Susan Spencer said...

MEPP, I listened to that yesterday on YouTube (using the link you sent me, btw) and I LOVE it. Reminds me of Sunday mornings of my childhood.

Donna. W said...

Ah, you've discovered Iris. I became "DeMented" about four years ago, when I first heard her voice when "In Spite Of Ourselves" came on the AOL radio folk station. I did a lot of googling to find her and bought what few CDs she's made.