Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunset Restaurant in Glen Burnie for Dinner

My favorite restaurant in the 'Tax Ya Crazy State' of Maryland is the Sunset Restaurant, located down toward Glen Burnie; not too close to the Big Town of Savage. The Sunset reminds me of local restaurants that I used to visit when I was much younger, featuring some down home cooking and menu items that make my mouth water just reading their description. If you wanna see if your mouth waters at the same menu items as mine, check out the Sunset Menu.

The Sunset Restaurant isn't one of those chain restaurants or a johnny-come-lately local joint. They don't have 'Boneless Buffalo Wings' like some chain joints that will offer anything for a profit.

Neighbor Chris, his wife Cathy and my daughter Mitzi will accompany me tonight. Hopefully their appetites are as good as mine. I'll provide some feedback tomorrow, if I can muster any strength after digesting the delicious appetizers, dinner and dessert.

Wish me luck,

Update - Dinner was excellent for me and hopefully those with me. Traffic cooperated, weather cooperated and I was extremely full, too full in fact to finish my big glass of iced tea while catching up on my TiVo'd shows and resting in the TV-chair back at home. :-)

Yuengling Lager Draft - 2
Mushroom caps stuffed with imperial crab
Cup of Maryland Crab Soup
Crackers w/cheese spreads
Tossed salad with raspberry vinaigrette
Seafood combo - crab cake, fried shrimp and scallops w/appropriate veggies (fries for me)
Strawberry short cake

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