Wednesday, July 29, 2009

COP funds to buy Democrat Votes in Maryland

Today's Baltimore Sun article describes $23.2 million coming to Maryland from the Federal COPS Hiring Recovery Program.

"In Maryland, the police departments in Baltimore City and Prince George's County each will receive more than $10 million to hire 50 officers over a three-year period." - Baltimore Sun

On the surface this appears to be a great thing for fighting crime in Maryland. Once we look under the hood of the vehicle, what we really see is over $20 million of the $23.2 million of Maryland's COP federal stimulus money being used to buy future votes for the O'Malley led Democrat Party in the state of Maryland.

Baltimore City ($10+ mil) and Prince Georges County ($10+ mil) have a clear majority of black residents; most vote Democrat. These added jobs in those two jurisdictions will help insure increased Democrat votes in the 2010 gubernatorial election in Maryland.

I see none of the money going to Western Maryland, which is represented by Roscoe Bartlett, Maryland's only congressional Republican (as an aside, maybe the police out there don't need more help).

Thanks to Senators Mikulski and Cardin and the 7 (Democrat) of 8 Maryland members of the House of Representatives for bringing that added Democrat voting stimulus to the shores of the Chesapeake Bay.

Just my normally cynical opinion,

PS - I won't even get into how I think these jurisdictions will actually use the money and deploy the officers.

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