Monday, July 27, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 9

'Tis Monday and time for my weekly update on the ol' Stomach Stretch. Here's this morning's result.

255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June
247 - 15 June
246 - 22 June
246 - 29 June
246 - 6 July
243 - 20 July
243 - 27 July

As you can tell from the ol' box turtle looking left, this was a week of body stabilization (that's the term I'm adopting for weeks that show 'no weight change').

My average calorie count for this week was right on 2000 per day. Not quite as low as I would have liked, but not astronomical either. That bodes well for upcoming week, assuming I can continue to control myself a bit. Some incentive for controlling calorie intake is provided by generating this report each week, as the last thing I want to do is have to report a weight gain on the Stomach Stretch report. :-)

My son-in-law spent two nights with me this week. As I mentioned in Monday's Stomach Stretch report, his presence definitely has an effect on my calorie count.

Tuesday evening I prepared grilled boneless rib steak and baked potato with cucumber, onion and black olive salad w/balsamic vinaigrette dressing (my concession was no bread).
Thursday's dinner with son-in-law consisted of a pot of my 'not yet world famous' chili to go with some fresh ears of sweet corn, left over balsamic cucumber and onion salad and some Pace Picante Sauce and Abuelita Tortilla Chips. Chili was excellent to the extent that son-in-law had 2 bowls. Gooooooooooood stuff!!!

A tin of homemade date nut cookies and a slice of lemon meringue pie found their way to my house this week. I'm still working my way thru the cookies, one at a time. I couldn't let the pie linger and deteriorate, so I had it after dinner Saturday evening; same day!

Since August 2006, I've maintained charts showing average daily calorie intake and weight for each month. I use the chart info to provide some personal guidelines regarding the impact that calorie intake has on my weight. I was updating the charts for last month and noticed that the last time my weight was down to 243 was in October 2007.

As you probably know, when you get to be older, body weight has a huge effect on personal health. I luv really good food (especially my own cooking), but at the same time I realize that if I'm gonna have any chance of a relatively healthy life as I age, weight control is a necessity. Even tho it's a slow process, the important thing for me is that I am making regular progress (weight loss) toward some nebulous goal weight that's much lighter than I've ever been as an adult. I won't set a time limit to reach that goal.

That wraps up another Stomach Stretch report.

PS - As some of my old co-workers and friends know, I luv talking about food almost as much as eating. But, all this keyboard action has made me a bit hungry for some breakfast, maybe one of those huge Costco apple muffins with the lemon flavor on top.

PPS - Nothing definitive on the Saturn by son-in-law as of Sunday evening.

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