Monday, August 24, 2009

Bristol -- 160,000 Fans -- NASCAR FunFest

Take a few seconds and ponder 160k fans in a bowl of seats around a half-mile concrete oval in Bristol, Tennessee!!!

That's all I ask, just ponder it. No other sport draws fans like CUP racin'...especially Bristol, a track that sells out both CUP races each season. There's no commuter rail or bus service, almost everyone drives to the track.

NASCAR needs more Bristol Speedways, action-filled, half mile thunderdomes, not more 2 mile California and Michigan tracks and cookie cutter 1.5 mile tracks...Bristol is fun for fans, the way racin' oughta be. Build 'em everywhere, even here in the BToS!!!

Do ponder it NASCAR!!!

PS - Forget building one here in the BToS...hell we've hardly got room for Ma's Kettle, The Savage Mill and the Post Office!!!

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