Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nail Guns and Fingers -- Not Always Fun

My neighbor is a wonderful guy with a wonderful family. He's a home builder/contractor, but sometimes even the best of us get stung by a work related error. I wonder if he was playing like Wild Bill Hickock or Billy The Kid and just got a little carried away!!!

As we get older strange things happen to us every day without warning. Hell, I remember that time that I got a little carried away and... ... (no, no, no, forgive me, I don't think I should relate that one after all).

I sure hope he was headin' to the ER when he took this foto. Personally, I have enough trouble with an electric drill/screwdriver. Me and them things never get along at all. Guess I'm just an ol' 'twist and wrench' kinda guy. I'll never be productive when it comes to house repair, etc.

If ya can do it with a screwdriver and a wrench, then I can make it happen. But when I try to automate, I may as well hang it up from the beginning.

Just my personal reflection on neighbor's painful experience,

PS - Here's neighbor's response to my query about taking the foto:

"Yes, I took it with my phone camera on the way to Howard County General. It was a 3-1/4" nail with 1-1/8" penetration. I was nailing a small platform together and the nail gun fired twice. This is something that I knew this gun did, but it had been so long since I used it, I forgot. So I blame it on the economic down turn. :-) But on a good note, you get put right on top of the list in the emergency room when you've got metal sticking out of you."

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