Friday, August 07, 2009

Today's the Day -- Make BBQ

My fridge is full of left over pork stuff. Today will be BBQ making day. I'll get out the ol' 'lectric cooker, prepare the meat, make the sauce and let 'er rip. Tasting the concoction is always the best part of making BBQ. Hell, I probably won't even need any dinner after all that tasting.

The BBQ that I make is more like a western NC BBQ, you just put it on your bun, top it with some southern slaw, add a few drops of hot sauce (your favorite) and wolf it down with some good sweet tea.

Having said that, it's also something I don't make very often. For me, BBQ is one of those things that should pop up when you haven't had any for a good while. How long is a 'good while', I have no idea, but I do know when it's been a good while; and for me it has definitely been a good while.

A guy can eat peanut butter every day, it's very good but somewhat innocuous, BBQ stands out and pops your taste buds. It's one of those things that makes you say, "Damn, that was good!" If you have it again tomorrow, you probably won't say that again, you'll be thinking it's time to put it in the freezer with all that other stuff you never take out and eat again.

No, for me BBQ ain't a daily food option. It's more like a couple of months deal, that way every time I make it I luv it all over again.

But of course, the best part about making BBQ is sharing it with others!


PS - I'll let ya know if I have any leftover!!!

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