Monday, August 10, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 11

'Tis Monday and time for my weekly update on the ol' Stomach Stretch. Here's this morning's result.

255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June
247 - 15 June
246 - 22 June
246 - 29 June
246 - 6 July
243 - 20 July
243 - 27 July
243 - 3 August
242 - 10 August

Even tho the ol' box turtle is looking the right direction, this was the end of almost a month of stabilization with slight change. I guess I should be encouraged that things are somewhat stable with a slight loss. The ol' scale has been between 242 and 241 for the past 3 days, varying with internal fluid and food mass.

Son-in-law was here 3 nights last week for which I made a batch of potato salad and a batch of cole slaw, which we had for two dinners, one with grilled, boneless rib steaks and the other with chili dogs. The third night was pasta with sausage and shrimp.

Sister-in-law provided some delicious coconut cream pie two evenings. She makes the best pie with superb know it's good if I'm talking about the crust. Most folks ignore the crust and talk about the pie. :-)

I had two luncheons last week, one at Mimi's and another at G&M's. I won't get into discussing restaurants beyond saying that I'm about to cross Mimi's off my list of places to go (I don't fit their primary demographic) and reaffirmed that G&M is superb (no, I didn't have a crabcake). Most important is that the conversation was great in both cases. It's always fun to gather with old friends again.

This should be a quiet week as most of my kids/grandkids are out of town on vacation, so eating patterns should be more normal (eclectic). I do have a luncheon planned for Friday.

No neat fotos this week. Given my slow progress, I've pondered making this a monthly report vice weekly, but have decided to go weekly for a while yet. As mentioned in earlier post, writing this each week provides incentive to 'keep at it'.

I know many people (both of you) will read these reports and shake their heads thinking this guy's a klutz who can't commit. My take is that as long as I'm the same weight or a bit lower, it's progress.

Next week will be my first quarterly report, 3 months. Hard to believe it's really been that long already. Man, summer's almost gone, can snow-blowing be that far away! Mark my words, winter will be wild this year.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - Batch of BBQ I made Friday had very good flavor. Only downside is that the meat in this que was poor quality as it was primarily from left over ribs that I'd trimmed and frozen. One of those deals where you pop some slaw on top with a couple of drops of hot sauce and eat the sammich without looking at the content. But, the impetus for making this batch was to use some leftovers from the fridge/freezer. Next time I'll get a fresh pork shoulder and smoke it first. But times are tough, gotta use leftovers too. :-)

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