Wednesday, September 09, 2009

"Annoy a Liberal - Work, succeed, be happy"

I can't use one of these bumper stickers here in central MD. Given the ultra liberal folks driving thru the BToS, my ol' van would be in danger should I annoy folks. I always try to be nice to everybody, including liberals.

Being a Libertarian of sorts, I feel both major parties suck anyway as both spend our money like it runs freely from faucets. Just open it more when you want to spend more. We'll all pay dearly in the long run as the result of their inept governing!

Fiscal Conservatism is what we need, not the usual spend, spend, spend BS from our leaders...

Ponder it,

PS - If you want one of those stickers, just click on it and a site will appear to make it available (for a price, altho they are on sale).

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