Friday, September 11, 2009

NFL Season Begins - Who Cares, Not Me!!!

I was a really big Skins fan dating back to the days of Lombardi. Before that a fan of the Cleveland Browns when they were champions and of course always followed the Baltimore Colts.

As an old fart, you'd think I'd have even more interest after all those years of NFL fandom, but my interest has waned to the point that I don't even follow football any more. I have no idea why. I also no longer watch the NBA, altho I will catch part of the occasional college game.

I've pondered the situation and have come to no conclusions. Many thots come to mind, but nothing that answers the question, "Why do I have no interest?"

Some of my thots:

1. Many players don't seem to have the urge to play every down. It appears to me they just go thru the motions each play with no emotion or intensity. Maybe they just make so much money and want to insure their body integrity to finish their career that they don't want to wear it out prematurely.

2. Few, if any, white folks play on starting NFL teams. We all feel comfortable in our own group or environment. Typically, if given a choice, cultures and races will gather together to bind and feel comfortable. Most of us today are comfortable with folks of other cultures and races, but we still prefer 'our own kind'. Possibly I just can't relate to teams with no white folks on the starting team. Most black folks don't seem to relate well to the NHL either. Interesting...

3. TV broadcasts of NFL games seem to be 'full-time action'. If it's not the actual play, it's 2 replays to fill the time until the next snap. Why do TV producers/directors believe that the only thing fans want to see is ACTION. That's not really true. Possibly, ACTION is what keeps young viewers glued to the screen, but, personally, I think it becomes boring quickly. NFL broadcast announcers are BORING! Where's John Madden when you need the guy?

4. The list is endless and I won't bore you with all my thots, especially about TV broadcasts, which by the way also extend to NASCAR race TV coverage.

So those are my NFL thoughts this Friday morning before the big kick-off NFL weekend. Possibly I was bored because it's an extremely dreary, rainy day here in the BToS, after overcast skies for the past few days. Sun is actually supposed to show itself during the weekend and for some time after. I think the ol' Valk is ready for me to fire 'er up for some ridin' time too.

Ponder it,

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