Thursday, September 24, 2009

Flu Shot -- Easier'n I Thot

I had to run some errands Tuesday morning. On the way from Shoppers Food Warehouse on Rt 198 near Maryland City (the grocery that requires no discount card) to the Corridor Wine & Spirits store for a case of Yuengling Lager in bottles, I had to drive by the Patient First facility.

The thot occurred to me that it was time for my yearly flu shot. Since I had gotten the last two shots at the Patient First joint, I figured I'd stop in and see if they had the vaccine and how long it would take to get one, by now it was around 10 AM.

I held my breath as I walked in. Judging by the number of cars in the parking lot, I just knew the waiting area would be full of sick kids that were home from school and sick adults that needed attention. I was correct.

I walked up to the sign-in/help desk to find out if they had the flu shots and how long it would take to get one. The gal was completing registration for a patient, but took a few seconds to answer my question and tell me to visit the other office where a nice young gal took my insurance info and told me it would only be a couple of minutes wait for the shot.

I figured with all the folks in the waiting room she was just giving me the 'short-wait' tease. But, turns out flu shots are expedited. A very nice and competent nurse called my name in about 3 minutes and had me heading out the door 2 minutes later.

I figure the whole episode lasted around 15 minutes. The nurse was fun to talk with and was magic as I had no bleeding and no pain. There was a slight soreness the next morning, but that's gone now. Gotta luv the Patient First folks.


PS - The H1N1 vaccine wasn't available yet, so I will likely pass on that one; unless of course I go by Patient First and the parking lot is empty. :-)

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