Monday, September 28, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 18

This week was a big success. Did I lose 5 lbs, no, but I was successful in gaining 0 pounds in a week when I ate entirely too many calories. My calorie control went haywire this week. Must be one of those mental deals where you just give in to all your cravings.

Son-in-law was here for three nites last week. One night we joined his parents for dinner at a local BBQ joint, where I had a delightful pulled pork sandwich, some BBQ beans and very good cole slaw. This restaurant won't be at the top of my BBQ joint list, but it is pretty good. I understand they just upgraded to table service from the previous 'order, sit and they bring it to you' process.

Monday nite son-in-law and I had some of my infamous chili slaw dogs. Sister-in-law has been backing off providing me with slaw lately, so I had to improvise. I used her recipe for the dressing and worked over the cabbage and carrot myself. She normally includes a bit of celery, which I bypassed, substituting a decent portion of celery seed, giving the slaw more of a celery flavor, without the added filler. Also had some queso style cheese dip and chips, along with some 'quick' BBQ beans (at least that's what I call a can of Bush's beans with a large helping of sweet pickle chunks).

Thursday evening found son-in-law and myself at the local Ledo's, where I ordered a medium pizza sporting half Hawaiian and half pepperoni toppings. If you've never visited Ledo's for pizza, their pepperoni has a real bite to it and they cut it on the thick side, letting you know that it's definitely on top of the pizza. They also lay out the pepperoni in a pattern that provides for one slice of this wonderful thick pepperoni on top of each piece of sliced pizza (very small slices of square pizza, not the pie shaped slices at normal pizza joints).

Sister-in-law, as a makeup for no cole slaw, provided me with an entirely too large slice of her wonderful apple pie Saturday nite. Now that was a nice finish to a not so good dinner that evening.

Son-in-law will also spend this week with me. We have nothing special planned, but I'll see how it goes. I have to visit Sam's later this morning to get a few things. I'll do ok as long as I stay away from the frozen food section where they carry the prepared dinner dishes. I usually prefer to cook my own meals rather than depend on high-tech food prep that's been frozen. I'll ponder this week's meals before I head out today.

I did manage to mow the lawn Saturday before the rains came. Nice thing about autumn is that the weeds slow in their growth toward dying off for the winter and grass slows in its growth. The lower density of green allows the mulching mower to move a little easier thru the lawn. I managed to mow the whole yard and blow off the walks and driveways in appx 100 minutes. That's about 10 minutes quicker than normal. It may have helped that the weather was cool and I didn't need a re-hydration break at half-time. :-)

I'll attempt to be a bit more focused on calories this week. One incentive will be a visit with the cardio guy scheduled for Thursday morning. Always helps when your body is saying "Feed me Dewey!" instead of "Damn boy, I am definitely full this morning..." when you're sitting in the cardio room having your BP checked. :-)

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - Here's a not so appetizing shot of the chili, slaw dog. Basically, as I've described in earlier posts, it's a Hebrew National kosher dog (long and thin) on a Martin's Potato Long Roll w/hot dog relish, chopped red onion, home made hot dog chili and slaw on top. This foto also shows some Kirkland Kettle Cooked chips from Costco.

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