Monday, September 21, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 17

That's right, this is supposedly 1 lb of ground beef. At least it will give you a representation of just about how much meat I shed this week. :-)

As I always say, it ain't how quick you lose it, it's just that you do lose it. Certainly a slow go, but a go nonetheless.
It was a relatively quiet week foodwise with nothing exciting happening. No guests here and I ate moderately all week with an average daily calorie intake of approximately 1800. That's higher than I was shooting for, but it's also being completely honest in my counts with no fudging of numbers. Gotta be honest if you truly want to evaluate your intake/weight ratio.

I did have the pleasure of dinner with my daughter on Thursday evening at the place that offers the 'Boneless Buffalo Wings', basically buffalo flavored chicken tenders. I'll never understand why they chose that misnomer as a appetizer name. I had the grilled salmon over rice with a very tasty small sweet potato with no toppings...both were very good as was the garden salad with the balsamic vinaigrette dressing.

I did manage to trim back some ornamental grasses and mow the lawn twice this week. I also took time for a 3200 pace walk around the BToS on a nice cool day. Pretty good for me as far as exercise goes. I'll try to continue that this week.

Son-in-law is scheduled to be here 3 nights this week, so that will make calorie control a bit more difficult, but we'll just have to cope with it and continue to eat smart. Until next reporting period.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - I've switched to Sunday morning weigh-ins due to the normally hectic nature of Monday mornings. It allows more time to assemble the info for the blog post and have it ready early Monday morning. I still have the Monday date on the chart and may change that in the future, depending on my attitude at the you know, none of this is scientific. :-)

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