Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 20

I know it's hard to believe, but this chart is an accurate depiction of my weight. and while I do take solace in knowing that I've gained no weight, I've also shown no recent progress in weight loss. Obviously, I've not been truly serious about watching my calorie intake. I've been diligent about counting the calories and have been averaging just over 2000 per day over this stagnant period.

And of course a happy hour with the Rices at Smitty McGee's while at the beach house last week was a highlight and extremely enjoyable for me. It's always good to have some friends to share a few brews and some good food. It didn't help my calorie control, but the Yuengling drafts were AOK. And of course they had real Buffalo Wings with bones, unlike that other restaurant that advertises boneless Buffalo Wings. However, they did have boneless steamed shrimp and boneless crab dip!!!
I won't bore you with details except to relate that while I've been eating relatively well, I've been having entirely too much snack food. That is definitely a killer. And if I don't begin to control the intake of these items, next week will likely show a gain, which I do not intend to do.

I will post an update next week, then I plan to switch over to a monthly report on the first of the month.


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