Friday, October 09, 2009

TV Crappola -- NASCAR Chase Position

TV folks consistently prattle on about 'position in the Chase'. Nothing regarding the Chase has less meaning than 'position in the Chase', unless your position is #1.

The key to the NASCAR Chase is points; how many points am I behind the leader, not what position am I in. Position was relative when attempting to race into the Chase, but completely meaningless now that the Chase is in progress.

Evidently, TV announcers, directors and producers have to invent discussion items to fill air time with prattle, because they seem ignorant of what really matters, "it's points dumbass!"

Then last nite I see this item on NASCAR Now having something to do with 'average running position during the Chase'. Just one more meaningless piece of drivel. Who the hell cares about this meaningless statistic.

ESPN truly excells when it comes to this type inventive, meaningless drivel. They make their living doing similar crappola for all sports they cover. NASCAR is just the latest. What was an interesting daily news coverage show is degenerating into typical ESPN sports drivel. Bummer.

There is only one meaningful statistic in the Chase. "WHAT'S THE POINTS!"

Step off soapbox until next rant,

PS - In rereading this post, it appears I overused the word 'drivel'. Well, that's enough of this drivel. :-)

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