Monday, October 19, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 21

It's been a month since I last dropped a pound...this is likely just an aberration of my body mass, however a pound is a pound.

It has been a quiet week here in the BToS with nothing exciting happening on the food front. Wednesday I had lunch at Famous Dave's up in Columbia. Didja ever get a lunch time seat in a restaurant where you were looking right into a window where the blinds were wide open and bright light was blasting you? We had one at Famous Dave's, a real bummer

Like most restaurants today, it's kind of dark on the inside, depending on a small bulb in a fixture above the table. This type lighting is fine for evening meals, but lacking at lunch time. So they open the blinds. I'm not a real complainer kinda guy, but I did mention the blinds to the manager when he stopped by to touch base with his lunch customers. He indicated he would change them, but that there were folks presently sitting at those tables and he couldn't do it until they left. I believe we left before they did. I had the chopped, smoked pork sandwich with some Wilbur Beans and slaw. Food was a nice change for me.

Earlier in the week I bought a shank portion of a Smithfield Ham and slo-roasted/smoked it a bit on the ol' Weber Grill. Came out tasting pretty good and I've had sammiches off it this week. I don't cook 'em very often, but home cooked, cured ham is just so much better than manufactured ham slices that you buy in the store to use on sammiches. Even the best of that stuff is a bummer. Almost as bad as manufactured chicken or turkey breast slices. Real bummer!!! And that's just my're probably one that luvs it. :-)

Son-in-law is scheduled to spend 3 nights with me each of the next two weeks. I haven't gone thru any menu preparation as yet, but will probably bore him with stuff he always eats here, steak, pasta, chili dogs, hamburgers, etc. He'll just have to put up with it!!!

Exercise is picking up a bit this week. I actually was able to mow the lawn before the rains descended upon the BToS. Seems they've been here forever, I'll probably have to mow again as soon as the grass dries a bit. Also have to do a bit of overseeding and get some winterizer to apply. Other days, I donned my slicker and walked around the BToS for some exercise. I've traversed all the streets. Hopefully my next walk, the weather will be decent enough that I can take a few fotos along the way.

As I mentioned last post, I'm going to change my posting frequency. I originally planned to post monthly, but now think it will be more effective if I post twice a month vice just once. So I'll shoot for a Stomach Stretch Update on the 1st and 15th of each month.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if that son in law of yours complains about the menu tell him there are plenty of people that would like to have their meals prepared for them :-) I am sure it will all be yummy. I look forward to the pictures from your walk. Tell Aunt Mary Helen I will be by soon to see her ! Love you guys