Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Washington Redskins -- Humor for All

In a past life, I was a big Washington Redskins fan. Today I pay little attention to NFL games, but with the Redskins doing so poorly and in seeming disarray as far as management goes, I thot I'd post this bit of humor that was passed to me by my ol' co-worker Gene. Gene's a Cape Cod boy in his retired life and enjoys keeping in touch with Skins fans (something about the Pats). :-)
HEADLINE: "D.C. Police are "cracking" down on speeders. For the first
offense, they give you two Redskins tickets."

Q. What do you call 47 millionaires sitting around a TV watching the Super Bowl?
A. The Washington Redskins.

Q. What do the Redskins and Billy Graham have in common?
A. They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell "Jesus Christ".

Q. How do you keep the Redskins out of your yard?
A. Put up a goal post.

Q. Where do you go in D.C. in case of a tornado?
A. To FedEx Field - they never have a touchdown there!

Q. What do you call a Redskin with a Super Bowl ring?
A. Senior Citizen

Q. What's the difference between the Redskins and a dollar bill?
A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill.

Q. How many Redskins does it take to win a Super Bowl?
A. We may never find out in the 21st century.

Q. What do the Redskins and opossums have in common?
A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.
Chuckle if you must,

PS - My ol' buddy Gene has good food on Gene's Recipe Page.
Here's a shot I saved from Gene's page showing he and I enjoying lunch at Gunnings quite a few years ago.

1 comment:

Susan Spencer said...

All of those were hilarious. Also, all could be Atlanta Falcon jokes too.