Sunday, December 06, 2009

Has Obama's Glossy Sheen Faded?

It appears that President Obama's bright, glossy 'First Black President' adoration has slipped considerably. The public has gotten over its self satisfaction of bending over backward to show non-discrimination in politics at the United States' highest level by placing a 'black man' in the office of President of the United States.

The public today sees President Obama much in the same way it has viewed any previous 'non-black' president; "OK, it's been a year now, why aren't you being the president you campaigned to be. You've turned into another pompous president that's just running the country deeper in debt with nothing to show for it!" Yes, we now believe that President Obama is just another dull, non-glossy president. He may as well be another 'white guy'!
It's always a good thing when the populace of the United States begins to look beyond the gloss of celebrities and instead focuses on their real life. How often have you fallen in love with a character in a movie, thinking 'there's my life-mate', then you see them on TV doing an interview with Leno or Letterman and think, 'damn, what an could I have fallen for that one???' That happens all the time until you get to know how someone thinks, what they value, how they treat others and how they fit in to the real world.

The simple fact is that Obama has faded into just another US citizen that happens to hold a government position of maximum responsibility; a position that we, as citizens, have every right to critique. Although Obama still appears to be in campaign mode during all his major speeches, the fact is that the glossy veneer of his campaign days has faded and today he's just another government servant of the people. If he doesn't do a good job, we'll dismiss him and install another; and so far, he's not shown much in the way of positive results for the United States.

Ponder it,

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