Monday, December 14, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 25

The ol' chart doesn't lie. Still at 231 after 2 weeks of normal calorie control eating. Shows body is stabilizing at this weight. It fluctuates up a couple of pounds and back down depending on the dynamics of solid matter moving thru my digestive system. I usually weigh in when I first get up in the morning before ingesting anything. That tends to give more consistent readings. Of course, later in the day after eating and drinking iced tea, coffee, etc., it'll change. Water weighs approximately 8lbs/gallon, so a pint of drink is about 1 pound.

If you look at the chart you can see the drop last reporting period was a bit more than normal. This overall period continues the normal downward slope from 4 weeks ago. This emphasizes that I'll have to stick to the program right thru Christmas week...not an easy task. I'm already noticing all types of sweet treats popping up for me to try...aren't they just so wonderful to look at and to eat!

Except for two lunches and a dinner with cronies, this period has been fairly uneventful regarding food. I didn't have my son-in-law here during this two week period; thus I can't blame any slip-ups on him. :-)

However he will be here about 5 nights the next 2 weeks. I'm preparing a pot of beef stew for tonite's dinner. Haven't made stew in a while, but watched Tyler Florence on the food channel making his Ultimate Beef Stew and figured I'd make a pot of JD's Ultimate Beef stew too. I'll let you know next report how it turns out. I'll have some (right from the can) biscuits to go with it too.

I made a pot of pulled pork BBQ last week, as mentioned in an earlier BBQ posting. It was very good and I still have some left in the freezer to have one evening meal next week. I'll make a batch of cole slaw to put on top and as a side.

One good thing does happen next week; that's the Winter Solstice. Right around Dec 21 we'll have the shortest daylight hours of the year here in the BToS. After that the daylight hours will slowly begin to lengthen. That gives us something to look forward to during the two coldest months of winter, January and February. The increased daily sunlight will begin the march of warmer spring temps.

I don't know about you, but I can cope with cold temps much better when the sun's shining than I can on cloudy, overcast days. Just something about that warm sun on your bare skin.

Merry Christmas and good eatin' to ya. Do good stuff; have some fun,

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