Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm Lazy -- Snow on Deck - Second Edition

This image is from a post on March 8, 2008, I'm Lazy -- Snow on Deck. Here's a paragraph of the text from that post.

"I'm letting nature remove the snow that I'm too lazy to move. This foto shows a half-gallon jar that contained Paisley Farm Four Bean Salad, about 8.5" tall, that I set in the deck snow. We can use the snow position on the jar to measure progress.

My neighbor Crazy Ray reminded me of the experiment today after we finished blowing snow and shoveling following the 18-20" snowfall we had Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. Here's a shot of Crazy Ray taken this afternoon.
The last experiment took 4 days for nature to melt the 5" of snow during late March. I decided that I am still as lazy as ever and there is just a whole lot of snow on the lower deck as you can see from foto below.

Since you can't see the Paisley Farm Four Bean Salad jar under all that snow, I decided to have something sticking out the top of the jar, this section of pipe, for reference until snow melts down to the jar. After inserting the jar into the snow on the deck, I measured the depth of the remaining snow after almost a day of sunshine on it. Depth was 17.5" on each side of the jar.
You can see my rudimentary picnic table farther back on the deck. Almost looks like a two-stage, icy mountain with all the snow parked on top. I'll try to take a new foto each day and provide a little description, then renew this post with the new date.

I don't know if melting snow will be exciting during the Christmas season, but there won't be much happening in the political world or NASCAR, so what else is a blogger to do. ;-)

Check back from time to time for updates on the snow melt...if 5" took 4 days, will 17.5 take 14 days; we shall see.

Try to control your excitement during this experiment,

PS - This experiment has fallen apart with the warm air and 2" rainfall Christmas night that completely melted the snow on the deck and left the jar and pipe laying on their side. Maybe next snow fall. Here's final foto taken Saturday evening.
PPS - Here's a short video Crazy Ray put together during the snow fall over the weekend. As you can see from the short snow blowing segment near the end, it was very, very cold and I was bundled up. This was first of three blowing segments on Saturday morning after 5" or so had fallen. Other blows were Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

1 comment:

SavageMdUSA said...

Yep, the most we had in these parts in Decenber. Good report.