Saturday, January 02, 2010

KENDEL for Governor of Maryland - EHRLICH

Maryland needs a divided government. The Democrat run government we have now is out of control. One would hope the Democrats that are running the state would have some interest in fiscal responsibility, but apparently they can only do one thing; Maryland's Democrats SPEND my money and want more, more, more...

Republicans have no chance of picking up any steam in the Maryland house or senate in the upcoming election next year. Forget any effort there.

The Republicans also have no chance of winning the 2010 gubernatorial election against 'Pretty Boy O'Malley' by running rehashed candidates of old. The Republicans need a new approach for their candidate. Bob Ehrlich was a great change for Maryland. With him as Governor and the legislature dominated by Democrats, nothing of consequence got done. Divided government is great.

However, Bob Ehrlich is not a viable candidate against today's 'Pretty Boy' governor. Bob has no pizazz and he'll flounder, never quite making the grade, given Maryland's Democrat-skewed demographics. The Republicans need a 2010 candidate for Governor that is cut from a different mold. Maryland needs someone comparable to Alaska's Hockey Mom for governor. Maryland needs Kendel Ehrlich as our Soccer Mom Governor.

She's bright, energetic and knowledgeable of Maryland politics and government. Best of all she's never held elective office, which is a plus in today's society. Go Kendel...

I've already ordered my bumper stickers, shown above.

Ponder it and let me know what you think,

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