Monday, January 04, 2010

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 26.5

I've decided that I need some incentive to get back on track in my Stomach Stretch program. Weight Watcher gal Elita is constantly letting me know that I can do better. I'll attempt to gain some incentive by switching from my original chart that shows a total loss of 21 lbs since last May and use a chart that begins with December 09; shown below.
The incentive comes from viewing this chart that shows no progress, a 3 lb gain and a 1 lb gain during December. This chart looks the way I'd like my income to look; not my weight!

Like so many other folks at this time of year who are trying to lose some weight, I'll be starting fresh rather than taking solace in the previous 20 lb loss since May.

Don't get me wrong, I feel good about that loss and the smaller size clothes, but as we all know that's all just a pile of BS if I don't get back on the program and make some progress soon. So that's the approach I'll be taking; starting yesterday when I came to this conclusion. Plus, I'm really looking at this as a permanent life style change for my health. Eat right and try to keep fit (that's a whole other issue).

Gaining 4 lbs doesn't happen in a vacuum. I can fall back on my trusty ol' villian of a son-in-law who was here with me for parts of the previous 3 weeks...I think I feed the boy a little too well and then to top it off I feed myself a little too good too. :-)

One of my Christmas gifts was to spend an evening with my son, his wife and my younger daughter for dinner at the Sunset Restaurant down in Glen Burnie. Previous day I had dinner with son-in-law at Gunnings...two dinners out on two nites in a row ain't the smartest thing a guy can do. But spending quality time with family is one of the smartest things that I can do!

Then there's sister-in-law, who just makes the best doggone desserts around this time of year. I'm sure you have a family member who's just like that...ain't enough for them to just make great desserts, they have to share 'em with ya. Don't take that the wrong way, I really enjoy the desserts and appreciate her kindness; but doggone it makes controlling calories difficult. :-)

They claim it takes about 3500 calories to make up a pound. So that means that during the month of December I have eaten about 14,000 calories more than I should have. A 1.5 oz package with two Reese's Peanut Butter Cups contains 220 calories. Quick calculation indicates that I ate the equivalent of 64 packages of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to gain those 4 lbs. Damn, I'll bet they were delicious too. :-)

I sure hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are embarking on a fine new year. I'm looking forward to it myself. I actually spent most of the morning Sunday filtering out oversized and 'wear no more' clothes from my closets. Now everything in there fits my smaller size. I'm gonna give all the large ones away.

That way, not only will I have to report weight gains on the Stomach Stretch report, I'll also have to spend money on clothes if I gain. As an old retired fart here in the Big Town of Savage, I certainly can't afford to buy BIGGER clothes...I will NOT go thru that cycle in the future!!!

One of my favorite signatures for emails is appropriate advice for the new year, please take note.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

1 comment:

Elita said...

very good article Jim Dewey W.
I, the slim, sexy, senior who is successful and super in doing the weight watchers plan indulged for the first time in a year, a year and ate some sweets which is my downfall in previous lose weight stuff.

I counted the points ( calories to non WW people) and saw that sweets and anything you eat can cost you if in excess. WW says to eat what you want, just count it in your daily total.

I have not gone to my WW meeting for 4 wks now due to weather and bad toe problems.

Today I go and will weigh in maybe at one or two lbs higher because in between holidays, I had a birthday party for my daughter-in-law's sister in Va and ate a bit more then but had fun.

So back to WW today because I have already given the fat clothes to charity, the next to fat clothes to charity and only have the thin clothes here.

Best to you.As WW says this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle...
