Thursday, January 21, 2010

Democrats and Obama Monopolize Airwaves

The Obama administration is very aggressive in monopolizing TV and news outlets and setting the political coverage agenda. The President naturally gets primary coverage whenever he speaks on virtually any subject.

Wednesday's big story was the Brown victory in the Massachusetts election for Senator to fill the empty seat. After the initial flurry of coverage for Brown, most of what I saw later in the day was Obama and the Democrats' comments designed to turn the tide of the news to their perspective and set the tone for what the Democrats would do in the future. A superbly quick rebuttal to minimize the effect of the Brown victory message.

This is typical Obama administration tactics to set the tone of TV and MSM coverage; thus boosting their image in the minds of the apathetic majority of the United States electorate.

Just my opinion,


Elita said...

You are perfectly right. They showed Brown's daughters and the comment he made. They of course took it a different way then as a father he meant.

They did not show his wife. I thought maybe he had no wife. I went online and there she was and they are happily married.

I do not remember such slanted news as is always towards Obama now.

It is amazing the way they turn everything around to benefit Obama.

Nancy Pelosi, a little rich girl from Little Italy where her father and brother were delightfully received as mayors in their time

She is now super rich and super aggressive. Last year I lost a friend in California via email that I met from my dancing articles.I sent her a comment you sent me against Obama. She wrote back she was intelligent enough to know who to vote for and that is not necessary to try to influence her. She and I had been friends via email for about 5 yrs and she called me her little sister. She liked me more, she said than her real sister.

I deleted her from my email list and she never wrote me again. All over politics. Ha.


citymouse said...

Liked your post and totally agree. I live on the Eastern Shore, where I used to think people had a little common sense left. I'm not so sure anymore. Keep up the good work.


BToS JD said...

Thanks for the feedback Debi. It's always good to hear from new voices here in Maryland, especially the Eastern Shore.

There are times when I feel I should be someplace other than here in the Big Town of Savage in Central MD.

Your blog is very good.