Monday, January 11, 2010

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 27

Weight chart reflects reality. It's reading a pound lower than last week, but in reality it's reflecting that I've spent a week stabilizing and finishing off all the Christmas treats that've been around the house.

I made a carrot cake earlier last week, which normally I would top with cream cheese icing. This time I was in the mood for a change. I had a a container of coconut, pecan icing that I normally would use on a German chocolate cake. So I topped the 13x9, single-layer carrot cake with that icing. Gotta tellya that I've always had a soft spot for that icing...the coconut combined with the little crunch from the pecans just works wonders for me. I have about 2 pieces of the cake left, which I'll finish off today and tomorrow.

I was in the store one morning last week and they had spiral sliced hams for $.99/lb. I got one of those rascals and cooked it later that afternoon in my replacement for the ol' toaster oven. Ham was much better than I thot it'd be as the brand was one I wasn't familiar with. I've eaten a couple of sammiches off it and gave a few slices to the lady next door.

My old DeLonghi toaster oven was showing some age. It was a great kitchen tool. I had it sitting atop the microwave. That rascal would hold a 9" pizza (I know, too small, right) and was great for quick toasting/reheating. I worked that rascal to death and covered it with grease over the 3 years I used it. The only downside was small volume for baking. Rascal wouldn't hold much sizewise.

This new Hamilton Beach even has a convection feature. It will hold 2-12" pizzas and had plenty of room for the 9 lb ham when I cooked it. With added volume, the food is far enough away from the heating elements that it cooks evenly. So far I've cooked the ham, biscuits, roasted a duck, a 12" thin crust pizza and the 13x9" cake. That rascal has so much more capability than the DeLonghi, but it's not as convenient for 'quick' food like making garlic bread for dinner.

Son-in-law wasn't here this week so it was kinda quiet. He'll return for the second week of the next report. So I will only be able to blame 2 days of the next report on him. Of course if I have a really good weight loss, I could give him credit...naah, why would I do that??? Simpler to say that if he weren't here, results would have been better. :-)

I had a fine lunch at Gunnings Seafood Restaurant in Hanover last Wednesday. My old bud Clarke's daughter Robin is currently out of work and while I don't have much sway in finding jobs for folks, she had some free time and I thot I'd find out as much as I could and get a copy of her resume and see what would pop up work-wise.

It was a delightful lunch. One thing that happens is that friends' kids are always known as 'kids'. Typically, you visit with the friends and the kids are just there. It was a good experience to spend over an hour talking with Robin and getting to know her as an adult. I have a much better appreciation for her capabilities in a work environment and her interpersonal skills than I ever did before. I found out that she can do more than just hit and chase a ball and go to the beach; which is all I knew before.

Not only that, but I also had a wonderful Fried Soft Crab sammich. I'd been wanting one for the past couple of months. Robin had what they call a Crab Puff. Of course I indulged with some french fries and some delicious cole slaw. And, of course, a bottle of Yuengling Lager. I believe Gunnings is one of those places that actually makes most of their own food, much as the Sunset does.

It appears I've rambled on about everything this morning. I'm more in tune with 'calorie control' this week and actually hope to get a bit of exercise too. Altho, I do know that I have to make a run to the ocean mid-week to install a new 42" flat-screen TV in our rental townhouse. The old 32" CRT model is losing picture quality and the Panasonic Viera will be just about right for the size of that room. I'll get a bit of exercise just hefting those two sets around. Hope I don't get a bad back to go with it. :-)

I'm a bit late with the report this morning. I stayed up late last nite watching the 2, hour episodes of Chuck and the end of an old TCM BW movie. Ain't TiVo wunnerful!!!

Remember, "it ain't what you's how much you eat". "Portion control is the key to effective weight control." Just do it and you too can be a healthier person.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - It appears the new toaster oven is actually known by Hamilton Beach as a counter top range with convection and rotisserie. I had that rascal in the basement for about 18 months, still in the box, before I installed it this week.
PPS - Since we're doing's the 73lb TV box. Nice that they put handles on the sides for old farts like me...


Susan Spencer said...

You roasted a duck? I'm very impressed. No, actually I'm bedazzled!

PS I have a MAJOR weakness for duck.

BToS JD said...

I just appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to peruse the post. :-)