Saturday, January 09, 2010

United States - Back to Basics

We've forgotten who we really are, haven't we. We've gone overboard worrying about different religions, races and cultures. We worry about groups of people rather than worrying about the entity that is The United States of America.

Isn't it time we got "Back to Basics"?

Ponder it; then make it happen,

PS - I was reminded of this when I ran across this image, vintage Oct 2001, in one of my old file folders. I believe things have worsened significantly in the 8 years since. "PC should not be PC in the US". We should all learn to 'get on with life'.

We can blame most of it on the extreme coverage of these items by the MSM. Possibly there is just toooooooooooooooo much profit making media that thrives on these stories; thus blowing them completely out of proportion and driving them into our subconscious.

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