Friday, February 12, 2010

Gazette Newspaper - Snow Covered Front Yard = Ignorance

The Gazette produces Maryland Community Newspapers. The Prince George's County Gazette distribution group believes that residents of the Big Town of Savage, located in Howard County, want to read their newspaper each week.

To be honest, there's little of interest in the Prince George's County Gazette for this resident of the BToS. This week's edition of the Gazette was delivered this afternoon. As a bit of background, my front yard has over 30 inches of snow cover.

These two fotos show the location of today's delivery. There is no way I will be able to retrieve this copy of the Prince George's County Gazette any time in the near future. Basically, as they do every week, the Gazette distribution folks have once again littered my yard with their little plastic bag of wasted paper. I normally take it in the house and recycle the paper and the bag...not this week.
What possesses an ignorant delivery person to throw a newspaper in a snow covered yard when there's a relatively clear driveway available for newspapers. The guy that delivers my daily copy of the Washington Post manages to find the driveway every day...he's a great delivery guy.
I have to believe that since this newspaper is 'free', they pay this delivery person X amount of dollars to deliver a certain number of newspapers each week and all the delivery person wants to do is eject them from the vehicle, caring little where they land. Safe delivery of a newspaper obviously isn't in his contract as a delivery requirement.

I've attempted to have the Gazette refrain from delivering their newspaper to my house each week. But, they refused to control delivery locations and the waste continues and continues and continues...

On my walks around the BToS, there are two primary types of litter:
1) Cigarette butt filters (the worst litter of all time), and
2) Rotting, FREE newspapers

If you didn't get your Prince George's County Gazette delivery today, you can peruse it on their website.

If you get the impression I'm just a bit pissed this afternoon...

Ponder it,

1 comment:

Susan Spencer said...

Now *that* was a funny photo! Great post, as always.