Thursday, February 18, 2010

Gazette Newspaper - Snow Covered Front Yard = Ignorance - Follow-up Report 2

The Prince George's County Gazette newspaper, last week's edition, now has company. Instead of a single orphan bagged newspaper in my front yard, Wednesday afternoon it gained a sibling.
Oh and guess what. These siblings also have a cousin that showed up Wednesday afternoon resting over in another section of my front yard. Notice the nice clear driveways. The Washington Post delivery guy has found my driveway every morning since it snowed; but then I pay for the Washington Post to be delivered; and can cancel if I'm dissatisfied...with the paper or delivery...
Now there are three Prince George's County Gazette newspapers looking back at me thru my front window.
Not only did the ignorant delivery person miss my open driveway again yesterday, they also missed neighbor lady's open driveway, which is 2 lanes wide compared to my single lane. Her paper, the cousin, has joined my family spot.

I must admit that this behavior by the delivery person is nothing new, it's habit. They always throw my paper in the middle of the grass. They just don't care where it goes, as long as they get rid of another copy. But, do they get no delivery guidance from the Gazette publishers? Do they not notice the yard is completely covered with what appears to still be over 20" of snow? Am I expecting more from free newspapers than I should. I don't think so!

If there was a way to gain retribution against the Gazette Newspaper folks, that would be wonderful...but they're protected by laws...I am not! Anti-litter statutes don't hold up against freedom of speech/press.

Ponder it the next time you get an unwanted paper in the middle of your front yard,

PS - We had high winds today, Thursday. The cousin paper was a casualty, blowing out into the street.
I fetched it so it could say goodbye to its cousins prior to visiting my newspaper recycle bin.

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