Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's Gonna Snow Again - Bummer

Did you ever wash your car and then before the afternoon is over it rains and the car's full of water spots? I felt like that today.

We had about 45" of snow here in the Big Town of Savage...the snow ended about 2 weeks ago. You can see in the foto that I had a huge amount of snow on the rear deck and steps.

I normally don't use the deck steps too often anyway as there are other doors that are convenient to enter/exit the house. Being lazy as I am prone to be in my old age, I decided to see just how long it would take for the sun to melt the snow from the rear deck and the steps.

After two weeks, the steps were almost clear and the upper deck was pretty clear. I decided this afternoon to take the shovel and clear the steps and a walkway to the driveway from the upper deck.

The task was not very taxing and went by pretty quickly. Afterward, I came into the house, fixed a glass of iced tea and sat down to catch up on my email. One of the services that I subscribe to provides daily and emergency weather reports directly to my inbox.

"Winter Storm Watch at 'BToS', until 6:00am, Fri Feb 26, 2010"

That was the subject line of the email. Further down in the email it states, "ACCUMULATIONS...POTENTIAL FOR SNOW ACCUMULATIONS OF 5 OR MORE INCHES"

Damn I was pissed...here I had just taken advantage of 2 weeks of snow melting and cleared a path from the back door to the driveway and we're gonna get 5+ inches of snow beginning tomorrow night.

My first thought was just natural irritation at this reversal of forecast and fortune. My next thought was to go back outside with the shovel and put the snow back on to the steps in an effort to assuage the 'snow gods' in hopes that Happy Snow Gods would play in someone else's yard tomorrow night.

I guess winter isn't over after all.

Ponder it,

PS - Thursday, February 25, 2010...it did NOT snow after all and the ol' steps are looking pretty good.

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