Monday, February 08, 2010

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 29


Review shows no positive movement (weight loss) on the Stomach Stretch chart since the beginning of November. Three months with no progress. That indicates to me that I haven't been serious about this effort since then. After 6 months regular progress, 3 months static.

I conveniently blamed it on the holiday season, but in reality I gave in to the NORM...just float along keeping what ya got! No loss/no gain. I'm kidding myself if I continue on that course.

I am going on a hiatus from the Stomach Stretch Report. Initially I found that writing this each week was a good stimulus. Today it's obviously not working. I may come back when the weather breaks into spring and give it another shot.

I have counted my daily calorie intake and chronicled my weight since August 2006. This chart shows the movement in my weight during that period, ending today.
As you can see I am significantly lighter now than I was 3 years ago. My long-term goal hasn't changed, just my current mode of operation. I need to find some other motivation to pursue that goal.

I will continue to look inside for the drive to make it happen rather than join a group or subscribe to some fad diet, that's not my style. I'm more of a 'it is what it is' kinda guy. Find something that works and make it happen.

Basically, I know how to control my weight, I just need to be more dedicated to the effort. I'm not really a 'dedicated' person; I tend to be laidback and just let things happen.

While I won't do the Stomach Stretch reports, I will post a status report from time to time.

And that's how it is here in the BToS,

PS - Much of the incentive for the long term weight loss goes to my Pen Pal Susan. She can be so demanding. I'm only glad she lives so far away that I don't see her personally. Those emails can really be insistent.

PPS - Bad snow, 30+ inches, here in the BToS last weekend. Another 10-20+ inches is forecast for Tuesday/Wednesday. Here are some pictures that were taken around my house and neighbor lady's house early Sunday morning. Still more snow blowing to be done after these were taken.

Click on pictures for larger image.
This is upstairs neighbor 'Big D' doing a little cleaning to widen the spot where he parks.

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