Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Washington Capitals - Success comes from the coach

I have to admit that I know NOTHING about the National Hockey League or the intricacies of the game of hockey (do they call it a game, a match, a xxxxxx?)

The one thing that I know for sure is that the Washington Capitals weren't worth a hill of beans before the current coach, Bruce Boudreau, took over the team in November 2007.

I read the Washington Post each day and while I don't follow hockey, I do notice the headlines. I can't name the previous coaches, but evidently none of them was worth much. One thing I do know about sports (and life for that matter) is that you win (and lose) from the top down.

When Bruce Boudreau took over the Capitals they were in a sorry state and just going thru the motions. In his partial first season with the Caps, he turned them around immediately from a regular loser and led them to the playoffs.

The guy knows how to play hockey, he knows how to handle people, he knows how to communicate with the short he makes the whole deal work.

As I said, I know nothing about the NHL, but I do know that I actually find myself reading parts of the Washington Post articles on the Capitals, where a couple of years ago, I just scanned the headlines.

It's great to have a winner in the DC area. I won't even discuss the Wizards, whose culture is losing, or the Nationals and Redskins.

Pondering early Wednesday morning in Snowy Savage, previously known as the BToS,

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