Sunday, April 18, 2010

Garage Wall Stuff

I'm not really a flea market kinda guy, but I do enjoy the occasional visit to the auto shows and flea market in Carlisle, PA. The Spring Carlisle Collector event is scheduled for 21-25 April.

These shows are full of collector autos, replacement parts and accessories, and just a whole lot of flea market type items to take a few dollars out of your pocket.

I'm the type that can't come home without a piece of junk or in most cases something else to hang on the garage wall.

If you've spent any time at all perusing my blog, you know that my mind tends to wander and seldom stays in one place for too long. Here are fotos of just a few of the items that I've taken time to nail to the back wall of the ol' garage behind the house here in the BToS.

My favorite might be the Betty Boop thermometer...I'm also a nostalgia nut at times.
And a bit more nostalgia with the Sky Ranger Aviation Oil.
You may also have noticed on the blog from time to time that I'm an ol' Chevy man from way back; hence the Chevy clock and ol' Chevy Truck sign.
You've probably also noticed that I'm an old fart that's been playing with bikes for the past 45 years or so. While I ride a Honda Valkyrie (the ol' Valk) and never owned an Indian, I've always been enamored by the brand.
And while I've lived in Maryland since 1942 when I was 1 year old, I was born a Virginian and remain one today in spirit; hence the nostalgic confederate flag sign and tag.
And just to show how disorganized I am, here's this oddball mix of memorabilia as it hangs on the back garage wall with the southern exposure for winter warmth.
Today is Sunday and NASCAR has a 500 miler scheduled down at the Texas Motor Speedway at 3:19 EDT this afternoon. Texas always brings good racin' assuming the weather will cooperate.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - The ol' garage is so cluttered that I can only fit one truck in there at a time. Hell of a note for a nice roomy 2-car garage, ain't it.

PPS - All my mom and dad's relatives still live in Virginia and I'm due for a visit down there in the next few weeks.


man in the background said...

JD, you mentioned trucks. You got trucks? Can you tell me more? MITB

man in the background said...
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BToS JD said...

Just pickup trucks, MITB

My Toy Truck is a 2004 GMC Sierra 1500, half-ton, regular cab with a short bed and a bed cover that locks and can be lifted for access similar to a trunk lid. It's great for running around and doing errands as it will turn on a dime and has a nice V8 with around 295HP.

My truck truck is a 2005 GMC Sierra 1500, half-ton, extended cab with a long bed. I use it for any hauling etc. Has same engine as the TT. Neither is driven very much, probably 6000 miles/year.

The Toy Truck gets around 19 miles per gallon around here while the truck truck gets around 17.5. Both are about 10% better on trips.

I also have an old beater van with all-wheel drive that I use when the snows come and at times to run errands and give the Toy Truck a rest. I put about 3000 miles/year on it.

Then, of course, there's the ol' Valk (Honda Valkyrie) when I'm in the mood to ride some back roads and take a few corners...two wheels are always more fun than 4 on back roads and hills.