Thursday, April 22, 2010

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Fresh Start

The last stomach stretch report was about 11 weeks ago, almost one quarter of a year. Since that report, as shown by the chart above, I've managed to move from a stable 234 up to a stable 240.

After getting on the scales this morning, it became obvious that I will make no progress toward my ultimate goal weight without a vehicle to carry me on the ride; hence this is a fresh start on the ol' Stomach Stretch report.

Looking back over the post holiday period including February when we were inundated with over two feet of snow that lasted, seemingly, the whole month of February; I noticed that I've finally managed to eat all the holiday goodies that were left in the cupboard. That is except for two of the delicious, home-made, half-pound creamy chocolate covered Easter eggs that I bought from the Savage Methodist Church.

Looking back at my average daily calorie count over that period, it's in the upper 2200s. That's assuming that I was counting accurately. Even tho I wasn't attempting to be in tight control of my calories, as usual I do count them every day and note them in my spreadsheet that I started back in 2006.

It appears that I began this series of stomach stretch blog posts just about 11 months ago. I was very good at controlling my intake up until early November, about 6 months, and obviously let myself go over the holiday and post holiday period. Beginning today I am back in calorie control mode and will attempt to post a regularly scheduled update, initially on a weekly basis beginning Monday, May 3.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - One of the things that helps in burning off some calories, is mowing grass in spring. It's hard to go more than 5 days without spending those 75 minutes behind the mower and blower. Here's a shot from the front.

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