Saturday, April 24, 2010


Am I the only guy in the US that is worn out by the NFL Draft TV coverage. I'll admit that at my advanced age, I am no longer a fan of any stick and ball sport.

Having said that, I don't ever recall being so turned off by the sports/NFL broadcast nerds that flood my cable channels and radio stations with descriptions of one 22 year old guy after another, detailing his ups and downs and so much other minutia that makes you believe you know more about the Redskin's first round pick than you know about your own kids.

I'm so worn out with this TV Sports Crappola that calls itself NFL Draft Coverage, that I had to find a way to vent, this is it.

Thanks for helping me vent,

PS - Does ESPN really cover 'sports' as a game or event like they used to 20 years ago, or has it just become 'ESPN is The Event'!!! I have to pay each month for all these ESPN channels on my cable bill and can't stand to watch 'em. I will admit that I have no choice and watch ESPN when they televise a NASCAR CUP race...I watch none of their pre-race or extended NASCAR coverage as it's like eating canned tuna, you know what it is before you turn it on.

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