Thursday, October 28, 2010

Maryland Needs DIVIDED Government

This is a repeat of a blog entry I posted right after the primary election in Maryland. I think it's worth a revisit, especially if you live here in Maryland and realize just how wasteful our Maryland Legislature and Governor are with YOUR money.

The first step to gaining a DIVIDED government here in Maryland is to oust Pretty Boy O'Malley!!!

Read and ponder and if you're really bored watch the video. I'd put a smiley here, but it just ain't funny.


Revisit of post from September 21, 2010:

O'Malley's Hits

Today's primary election day in some of our states. Maryland had theirs earlier in the month. Now it's official, it'll be Gov O'Malley trying to hold on to his lease of the Big House in Annapolis; while previous Gov Ehrlich works to reclaim his lease of the same Annapolis Big House.

Maryland's Democrat constituency lives off the largess of the Democrat controlled Maryland Legislature and for the past 4 years has had O'Malley, the Democrat governor, to sign the big TAXATION and SPENDING bills passed by the legislature.

Maryland is extremely fortunate that it has a huge portion of US Government's budget being expended right here in Central Maryland. If it weren't for these central Maryland federal Agencies and their support contractors, the whole state would have gone down the tubes years ago, since there is practically nothing else in Maryland to generate non-government dependent revenue.

Over the past 4 years, Gov O'Malley and the Democrat-controlled Maryland Legislature have endeavored to take even more money from the pockets of Maryland companies, their employees and the residents of Maryland via new taxes.

The Democrats constantly sell these taxes as needed to run the state government. If the Democrats would exhibit a sense of fiscal responsibility, added taxes would not be needed. Maryland Democrats evidently do not know the definition of the term 'fiscal responsibility' and don't even understand the concept of a 'fiscal conservative'.

This video plays on O'Malley's music performance background to highlight his taxation hits of 2007, 2008, 2009 and this year 2010...

Spend a minute watching and ponder it when you go to vote in November. Replace the Democrat Maryland governor and let's have a divided Maryland government. A divided government breeds stalemates between the legislature and governor; and stalemates almost guarantee that only NEEDED laws will pass and that spending may be controlled a bit while reducing the need for future tax increases.

The alternative is a continuation of the O'Malley TAX and SPEND EXPRESS as depicted in this video through 2014.

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