Saturday, March 05, 2011

Rainy Day - Late Hour NASCAR

I've always thought that NASCAR races should start early Sunday afternoon, preferably 12:30. Las Vegas is evidently in a later time zone than the Big Town of Savage here on the east coast.

Tomorrow's race from Las Vegas is set for around 3:15 here in the BToS; about 3 hours later than I think it should start. Tomorrow is forecast to be a rainy day for the BToS with moderate temps.

So the real question becomes, "What do I do until I begin to watch the TiVo'd race around 4:15?" I can busy myself until noontime with daily crappola, but 4:15 is a long, long time and very late in the afternoon.

Personally I think west coast races should begin around 12:30 eastern time...what's that, maybe 9:30 out there. That's good, they can all get up early, go to the race and still get home in time for a leisurely dinner. I could still watch it at my normal time, 12:30.

I don't think I'm being selfish here. If you live on the west coast, you could finish watching the race by 1:00 in the afternoon and still have the rest of the day to have a second batch of fun.

I think I'm on to something good here, is NASCAR listening? I doubt it!!!

Ponder it and enjoy the race late, late tomorrow afternoon,

Update - Sunday nite. It's amazing how quickly a good book can get you thru a rainy afternoon. I managed to read from 1 until almost 4, then started watching the race on my TiVo. Fine book, good race. I kinda like that Cousin Carl won at Vegas for Ford.
PS - Rubbin' n Racin' next. After taking a week off, Bristol is on the calendar Sunday afternoon Mar 20. Rubbin' n Racin' is 'old school' racin'. Bristol isn't as much fun to watch as it was before they installed variable banking a few years ago, but it's just so much better than most other NASCAR tracks over a mile.

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