Friday, March 11, 2011

Talk Radio vs Commercials - Which way to go?

I'm an old guy here in the Big Town of Savage and prefer AM radio, especially some of the Talk Radio stations where I don't have to listen to annoying music setting a tone for every word that's spoken as I have to on most up scale FM news and music stations.
I usually listen to WBAL 1090 from Baltimore and while I'm no longer a stick and ball sports fan, I do enjoy listening to Mr. Tony's World on WTEM 980 from the DC area. BToS is located midway between Baltimore and DC, both stations are strong and clear. Most of the time I'm running errands in the Toy Truck, listening to the morning shows between 9 AM and noon.
This morning I was returning from a visit to Target and wasn't too interested in Ron Smith's political topic on WBAL so I flicked over to Mr. Tony's World on WTEM. Tony Kornheiser, like most of us, lives in his own world and has fashioned a weekday talk radio show that accommodates Mr. Tony and no one else. To make it simple, if you don't want to visit Mr. Tony's world, then don't listen!

I like Mr. Tony's eclectic mix of topics, that goes beyond sports. After listening for many years, my perspective is that Mr. Tony relishes the entertainment scene and likes to talk about and be seen with upper crust folks. He loves movies, music of his youth, free stuff and, of course, Mr. Tony; and bombshell babes.

This morning as I was driving home he had one of his regular guests on discussing this week's new movies. About half way home I was kind of tired of listening to Mr. Tony and his guest's opinions. So, I pushed the radio button for the Ron Smith show and figured I'd give his take on politics another shot. Turns out WBAL was taking a commercial break for 'Traffic and Weather, Together on the Fives'.

I found the WBAL commercials more interesting than Mr. Tony's movie talk, so I figured I'd hang around for the traffic and weather. Before I knew it I was home and still listening to WBAL and commercials.

Peculiar as it seems, this morning the WBAL commercials were more interesting than Mr. Tony's movie talk.


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