Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Martinsville NASCAR - Rubbin' n Racin'

NASCAR racing at Martinsville is today's incarnation of what old timers call 'real racing'. As you can see from the foto above cars get scraped, bruised and banged up for 500 laps on this half-mile paperclip shaped oval.

Drivers are forced to work extremely hard just to get a decent finish at this track. The drivers that come out on top know they've performed at the top of their game with a well set up car.

NASCAR should take a really hard look at the racing product from Martinsville and use that as a contrast with other less interesting forms of race tracks that they've migrated short track races to over the past 25 years.

Any new tracks should be less than a mile in length and somewhat flat, like Martinsville. Bristol used to have similarly good racing until they reconfigured the track to variable banking a few years ago.

No, Martinsville is a small town with BIG TIME racin' the way it ought to be.

Obviously, this is just my opinion,

PS - Virginia has two of the best tracks in NASCAR, Martinsville and Richmond.

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