Friday, July 22, 2011

NFL Contract -- Sports Media Want It Most

It has been a wonderful summer when it comes to sports on TV, especially during the evening news sports segments. There is no daily local NFL team trivia for the Redskins and Ravens that I'm normally bludgeoned with each evening and the next morning in the sports section of the Washington Post and the Baltimore Sun.

The evening news sports segments are actually showing coverage of sports teams that I'm completely unfamiliar with. I never heard of Team Tennis until this summer. There's a team called the Washington Kastles (I think I got that right) that I never knew existed. Evidently, they've gone undefeated for 14 regular season games heading into the playoffs.

I found that out early in the sports report and didn't even have to listen to someone from Redskins Park talk about NFL crappola and the newest/greatest first year player. I haven't heard anything about the Ravens since back in the spring. Nope the Kastles just bubbled up to the top since there's no NFL right now.

The NFL and the Players Union don't need an agreement as bad as the sports media folks need them to come to an agreement. These sports reporters/writers are going crazy during a slow summer without the NFL. For me it's wonderful...for them it's sickening. They may as well be downneocean lying on the beach, cause nothing's happening for them to report on.

Personally, I'd like to see the Players Union tell the NFL to go to hell and sit out the whole season. I certainly don't need the NFL. I haven't watched a complete Redskins/Ravens game in the last 5 years. It would drive me crazy to spend 3+ hours of my time watching that nonsense.

It also just goes to show that other sports don't really mean much in NFL cities. There's the NFL then there are the rest of the sports teams in the world all bundled together as fillers for reporters and writers.

Just another observation from here in the BToS,

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