Saturday, July 09, 2011

Post Office Mail Boxes - Pedestrian Hazard

Things aren't always the way I think they should be here in The Big Town of Savage. These mail boxes don't meet post office suggested setback rules, nor do they meet county code. They've been this way for at least a couple of years.

I talked to the local post office 'in-charge' guy a couple of months ago, but evidently it isn't their responsibility to address this type issue. I notified the local county folks last week and provided some images.

As you can see they are a pedestrian hazard, causing folks to walk an additional 1-2 feet out into the road. The street sweeper can't access the curb due to their positioning. I guess the thing that bothers me most is that if I owned the property, I wouldn't want something looking like that in my front yard. Unfortunately, the mail boxes belong to a house across the street from their location.

Just another of JD's observations here in the BToS,

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