Wednesday, September 07, 2011

2012 Election Already! Why Am I Bored?

I found this image here:

Can you believe that election day 2012 is still 14 months away???? If you read the papers, watch TV or just read your email, you'd think the 2012 election day is next week.

I don't know about you but I'm almost ready to take a political hiatus until summer 2012. Recently I've taken on an NPF (No Politics Friday) lead in to politics-free weekends. I must say that having 3-day weekends with no politics has been wonderful over the past month.

I've finally realized that I'm worn out on President Obama's continuous electioneering posturing and his failure to be President of the United States. Never in my life have I seen such a pretentious man in the White House. All campaign all the time. I've come to the conclusion he's just the figurehead for the Socialist Democrat Party.

The Republicans are little better. They have no idea where the party is going nor who will lead the way. While the President is all politics all the time, the Republicans are floundering in the morass proffered by the Liberal Mass Media.

I am officially taking a political hiatus. I will not contribute any funds nor waste my time thinking about politics. I've already abolished TV electioneering by our President and others from my TiVo and I don't watch live TV.

I plan to ignore Political Crapola even more over the next year. Maybe I'll think about things again when the election comes around.

Here in the Diverse State of Maryland, a fiscal conservative has no way to be politically active, so I plan to use my time more effectively by doing nothing and saving any money I would normally contribute to campaigns.

Seeing the light here in the BToS,

PS - Is this No Politics Hiatus set in stone. Of course not. It's the way I feel this Wednesday morning. Hopefully, it'll last until next summer. We'll see. Possibly I'll give an update from time to time on my success, or lack of.

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