Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Carlisle - This weekend - 28Sep-02Oct

It's been a few years since I visited Carlisle for the spring or fall Carlisle swap meet and car corral show. There's a good chance I may exit the Big Town of Savage for the better part of this Friday and visit the Fall Carlisle.

Makes for an enjoyable day when you leave home around 6AM and wander up the roads and maybe splurge at a McDonald's for some fast-food breakfast. Having grown up when McDonald's was thought to serve real food I tend to still enjoy some of their menu items, especially the ones that have been around for a while. Wonder if the Sausage McMuffin w/Egg at 450 calories is still on the menu...

It'll be about 8:30 or so by the time we make it to the grounds and pay our way in. We'll spend the day wandering around the huge fair ground and ogling wonderful old restored cars and spare parts. I suspect we'll complete the tour by around 2PM at the latest, leaving time to get back home before the rush hour blossoms.

I don't recall seeing much about it in this video, but my recollection is that Carlisle has some very good Pennsylvania food from the on site vendors. Seems no matter where you go on the grounds, you have the aroma of good food stuffs that will make you super hungry before it's time to eat, especially those cheese-steak subs with the sauteed onions and peppers.

I doubt if I'll buy anything significant, probably just some junk like in this earlier Garage Wall Stuff blog post. Likely I'll take some pictures since I can store about a million of them on my digital camera. If I'm lucky I might put some of 'em on a blog post next week, or as a PS on this one.

If you're bored today, take a few minutes and watch the Carlisle promo video below. If you're an old fella like me it's likely you'll enjoy it. If you're a young whippersnapper check it out and maybe you'll get an urge to watch some folks haul some old car parts around the grounds. If you're lucky, maybe you'll run into me Friday while we're wandering around the show saying things like, "Man, I haven't seen one of those in 30 years!"

JD, here in the BToS

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