Saturday, October 22, 2011

Didja Ever Get The Lunchtime Blues?

Didja ever get the lunchtime blues. You've had one of those mornings where things just don't go the right way; not that you did anything wrong...things beyond your control just didn't happen the way you'd have preferred.

I suffer the lunchtime blues today. Disagreements can occur in the wrong place or with the wrong people; even if you're trying to guard against it and accomplish a much more important goal than the disagreement pertained to. I'll just let you think about your own small disagreements that may have had a negative effect on your larger, more important goals.

Maybe it was at work, maybe it was among your family or maybe it was just something that happened when you walked across the street. No matter what caused it, the important thing is not to dwell on the issue.

It's good to be that way at work and within family and friends. Carrying a grudge accomplishes nothing and just raises your blood pressure. And if you're an old fart like me, you don't need your blood pressure peaking higher than it should.

In my case I'm venting my anguish right here in this blog post. I'm also sitting here at the computer eating a tasty sandwich made from a leftover fried chicken thigh. The chicken has just a little of that fried chicken flavor in it and is going well with my small portion of Doritos Cool Ranch tortilla chips and a large glass of sweet tea.

The lunchtime blues will be gone and my blood pressure back to normal by the time I finish this blog post and my lunch.

Here's hoping you don't suffer the lunchtime blues any time soon.

JD, here in the BToS

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