Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Valk Registration Renewed

The odometer on the Ol'Valk ('01 Honda Valkyrie) shows 14319.5 miles in this foto that was taken at the completion of my last autumnal bike tour with my son in October '07. This blog post describes the Ol'Valk turning over 15000 miles in November 2009. I looked at the odometer earlier this week when I had it out for a short ride and it read 15179 miles.

By my calculations, I rode around 680 miles in the two years from October '07 to November '09. Then over the next two years from November '09 until this week, I rode approximately 179 miles.

Any one can see that I'm just not giving the Ol'Valk her due attention. The last couple of times I had her out she was a bit irritable which cleared up pretty much with the Sta-Bil fuel additive I've been using, but she's still not running really clean. I think it'll take a couple of tanks of gas to come close to cleaning the fuel system out, including all 6 carburetors.

You're probably thinking, "Why doesn't this fool sell that thing while it still runs instead of letting it languish in the garage." Well, I asked myself the same question in September after receiving the 2-year license tag renewal form from the Maryland MVA. I decided I'd spend a little time on her and make a decision whether to sell before the tags expire or to renew the tags.

I finally took action this morning after checking my email. I noticed the tag renewal form on the shelf above the monitor. Maryland MVA has a neat website where you can perform renewals online with a credit card. So I provided the necessary credit card info and the new sticker for the tags should soon be in the mail to keep the Ol'Valk on the road past the October 31 tag expiration date.

The long-term question is; "Will I renew my interest in riding this wonderful 10-year old road warrior?"

Finally made a decision here in The BToS,


PS - Central Maryland is a beautiful area and a fine location with all things good in close proximity. The problem with that is that everybody wants to live and work here; thus increasing tremendously the traffic volume and congestion. Motorcycle riding here in central Maryland has become extremely dangerous and being an old fart of 70, my skills definitely aren't what they were 10 years ago. I'm gonna give it another shot tho and hopefully when the next renewal comes up in two years, I can report the Ol'Valk odometer having a few thousand more miles on her.

PPS - The typical autumnal tour that my son and I used to take was a week and usually was 1500 to 2000 miles. He married in spring 2008 and hasn't been available for tours since and now has a child and a new house that keep him and his wife very busy. The great thing is all the time we spent together on those autumnal bike tours.

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