Friday, February 24, 2012

Obama Presidency Isn't Over - 5 more years

Taken from Examiner - 2/24/12

Can this really be true? Five more years of President Obama. I'm not sure the United States can afford his spending for the remainder of his current term, much less four more years!!!

I was perusing "The Examiner - Washington" this morning when I saw this image in the Sound Bites portion. I have to admit that I had never seriously considered that we might actually have 5 more years of his Presidency.

I know everyone that avidly follows politics has their own opinion of this president's policies and Executive Orders and the effect they are having on the United States. Even more voters are completely ignorant of his political and executive actions and have their opinions formed from viewing the MSM (Main Stream Media), that reports his actions in a way that subconsciously enhances their perception of the president's performance.

Personally, I don't think ignorant voters can be educated, they can only be brainwashed. I think the Democrat Party and President Obama have every advantage in that they play to this voting bloc. Sadly, the fact that they do just that proves how well they know their voter base.

Possibly we do have five more years of the Obama Presidency to look forward to. One can only hope that the next 4 years he serves will begin at least 20 years from Jan 20, 2013; Jan 20, 2033. Possibly by then he'll have learned a bit about handling the country's money.

JD, hoping for better here in the BToS...

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