Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ain't isn't a Word - Says Granddaughter


My granddaughter is 11 and reminds me almost every day that "ain't" isn't a word.  "Granddude, ain't is not a word."  When she reminds me, I always argue with her for a minute about the fact that "ain't" must be a word since I use it so much and hear it from so many other people and on TV.

When I'm talking with my granddaughter, I tend to fall into my old southern dialect that I picked up as a kid while staying with relatives in Danville, VA.  Only difference is that I tend to bend my learned southern dialect into what's known today as southern redneck talk, where "ain't" ain't bad.

So, there's today's lesson for you from here in the BToS, where some of us still don't use proper English and "ain't" fits right in.

"Ain't life wunnerful!"


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