Monday, June 04, 2012

Bella Boxer Shedder - Furniture Habitat

Bella Boxer sheds these little short doggy hairs everywhere she goes and on anything she uses for a bed.  Unfortunately, some members of the household (oh, did I mention granddaughter) think that Bella Boxer is a bedmate, chairmate, couchmate, etc.

I won't trudge thru all of the repercussions of dog hair on furniture or in bed.  Let's just agree that dog hair on furniture is not a good thing to have, especially for an old fart like me.

There are prices to be paid when pets share your living space.  Bella Boxer will likely be the last pet in my house.

JD, here in the Big Town of Savage

PS - Bella Boxer is still working her way thru the 43 year old carpet, two additional bare spots have emerged.  Looks like carpet removal and exposure of hardwood floors is just that much closer.

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