Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Senior Edition

Original "Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much" posted just over 3 years ago - May 18, 2009.

Three years ago I weighed 255 lbs and was getting ready to have my 68th birthday.  Today, I weighed 239 lbs and just had my 71st birthday.

Something I try to avoid is looking at myself in a full mirror when I have no clothes on.  Since no one was home but Bella Boxer (her family is at the beach house this week), I figured I was safe.

Boy was I surprised.  After checking out the front of my body, I checked the side view.  Even tho I am about 15 lbs lighter than I was 3 years ago, my body still shows a familiar trait, belly overhang.  The other thing I noticed is that my rear end seems to have gone away to the point where there are just a couple of flabby butt cheeks back there.

Officially I am showing the true signs of aging.  My weight loss is usually from muscle mass and not necessarily fat tissue.  I try to remain active, but I have to admit to a basically laidback lifestyle with little exercise other than regular lawn mowings and long walks thru Costco and Sam's Club and occasionally a trip thru Lowes when I can't find something.

Basically, I am down to bone and fat and the bone is probably weakening more each day.  Heck, my muscles are getting so puny I couldn't even get the lid off a new jar of sweet gherkin pickles last week.  Had to find a tool to provide extra leverage.

Rather than drone on about things you may already know, I'll stop here and say that I am obviously marching downhill on the slippery slope of life.  My train of life hasn't come to it's destination yet, but it seems to be slowing in preparation for the eventual arrival in station.

JD, still pondering the wonders of the human body here in the Big Town of Savage.

PS - I know, I know, be more like my old work buddy Ray, you gotta have regular workouts to keep the muscle tone!  That rascal's a couple of years older than I am and I guarantee you he could get the lid off that new jar of sweet gherkins without any tools...

PPS - No, it's not me in the foto (you're lucky it's not)...

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