Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gunshot Sounded Real - Or was it...

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Saturday evening I was laying back in my recliner watching a lawyer show that I'd TiVo'd.  Then I heard a gunshot.  Nothing happened on the show that would produce a gunshot sound.  I replayed the segment and no gunshot sound. 

I paused the TiVo and went out the front door and the BToS (Big Town of Savage) was as quiet as it ever is at 10:30 on a Saturday nite.  No action or noise to be heard.  I came back inside and looked around the house in case something had fallen to make that real gunshot sound. I could find nothing, anywhere.  It had been five minutes or so and I'd heard no other noise so I decided to lay back and finish my show.

Monday night at 10:40 while watching another episode of the same lawyer show I heard another gunshot.  This one was so loud and so real it actually scared me.  I immediately paused the TiVo and rushed outside.  Nothing.  No sounds, no action, the BToS was quiet on the evening of Cyber Monday.  Once again I looked around the house, this time with more care, even looking through a couple of storage areas full of junk.  I found no evidence of any problem inside the house.

I had just started watching this episode and felt a little thirsty.  I opened the door to my extra refrigerator where I keep soda bottles and cans and some bottles of iced tea, oh, and some bottles of Yuengling Lager.  I no sooner opened the door and cans of Diet Coke started rolling off the shelf.  About half the case of Diet Coke cans on that shelf were laying on their side instead of being neatly arranged on the shelf.

Yep, you guessed it, I discovered the source of my gunshot sounds.  The sides of the refrigerator were coated with crystals of Diet Coke ice.  A can had frozen and exploded making the gunshot sound inside the refrigerator.  I found two other cans that had also exploded.  Evidently, one of them did the kapow when I wasn't at home and the other I had heard two nights earlier.

Why did they freeze and explode.  Last week was Thanksgiving and I planned to store extra food in this fridge.  My thermometer showed the temp was just below 45, so I turned the fridge thermostat down quite a bit.  Cold air from the freezer comes down into the back side of the fridge to cool things.  Evidently, the fridge was running so much to catch up with the thermostat setting and all the freezing air was coming down right on top of those Diet Coke cans...KAPOW...

JD, cleaning up the mess and resetting the fridge thermostat here in the BToS

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