Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BaltimoreWashington - RavensRedskins - Fan?

You live approximately equidistant from Baltimore and Washington.  Are you a Ravens fan or a Redskins fan?  Ravens are in the AFC and Redskins are in the NFC.  Who do you root for?  Or, do you like both teams.

I fall into the latter category.  I've gotten to a point in life where I seldom spend time watching any kind of stick and ball sports on TV.  When I was younger, I was a big NFL fan and typically rooted for the Skins, mainly because of the unsettled NFL situation in Baltimore with the Colts, a period with no team and now the Ravens.

Given their different conferences, Ravens/Redskins games are rare.  Sunday was a relatively slow day for me, so I set the TiVo to record the Ravens/Redskins game.  I figured most fans would be at home watching and I could get a bit of running around and shopping done without the typical Sunday crowd.  I spent a couple of hours at that, then came home.

I prepared a snack and decided that since it was the two local NFL teams playing I'd make an exception and do something I never do; watch the whole game without skipping portions.  I made good and actually devoted about 2 hours to what was an interesting game.  Although the first half of the game was good to watch, the excitement came in the final few minutes of regulation and the short overtime period.

Monday I watched the game coverage on both the Baltimore and Washington evening news programs.  Washington sports folks were more concerned about their quarterback getting a strained knee than they were excited about the win.  In Baltimore the news folks were lamenting the loss and fans were very opinionated.  I learned the Ravens fired their offensive coordinator earlier that day.

Unless the Ravens and Skins are both in the NFL championship game, my NFL game watching is done for the season.  Watching one game all the way through is a chore, even with the TiVo (DVR).  I can't imagine how I used to watch a live game and listen to all the announcer drivel and incessant commercials.

JD, here in the BToS staying away from NFL crapola.

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